Sunday, August 24, 2008

Meeting... with an insight!!!

We met up with "The Tribals" again and played these tiny old school pranks on everybody. It was a great evening yesterday. Visiting a coffee shop after so long brought back old memories of college days. I still dont know why i stopped visiting the coffee bars... Is it just that we dont have the time anymore? or the need to stay home after a gruelling weeks work gives a more relaxing outlook? I think that a coffee bar was a place where we could discuss those intricate details which we could not do at home. We needed a place to sit, talk, eat and do things which we could not do under the strict supervision of our parents. That phase was a must on college and that need is no longer there now. Hence, the need for a coffee bar just faded away.

Every thing was going nice and smooth till the time we needed to order something to eat. Now here is the best part, i was given the job to order for the college girls. I selected what they might like the most. Most liked my selection except one of them. And she was really devastated by what she had got. A prominent sadness had clouded her face and she just could not get out of it. All the time i was contemplating whether i had given her something that she did not like, or was it that the others got more of some thing that i ordered. I tried to relate to my old college days and I came to the conclusion that it was probably the size of the dish that left her sad. She had the best of chocolate slices but she was not content becoz other had got more. Their plates were full. If i was in her place, I would have reacted the same way for sure. But i remembered an old instance.

"A teacher asks his class to come home for tea. They all were served with tea in different cups. Some nice crystal ware and other hip new ceramic cups. there were two cups extra in the tray and they were the least attractive ones. Everybody looked through the lot and picked the best cups and at last only the two plain looking cups were lift back. The Teacher took the cups of tea, passed one to his wife and sipped throught the other. He said, "Most of us want the best of everything in life, but the best is not on the outside, its from the inside. The best is not in the quantity, its in the quality. The tea is the same in all the mugs but everybody looked at the mugs and gave them more importance". His saying has marked a great impact on my thoughts and i look beyond the plate of food in the offering.

When i suggested some thing for them, no matter what the quantity, no matter what the stuff, it had love from me and i was just giving my best. Sometimes our best just does not satisfy everybody....


nonu said...

oh my gosh arvind!!!. i couldn't help smiling all throughout reading your blog!!! :). . great insight.. but to burst the bubble..i hadn't eaten lunch that day:P. . hehe.. so yeah yu're kinda right.. i wanted somethig BIGGER!! thanks.. you wrote a whole post on that.. feels good in a weird way :)

Rashmi said...

I'm quite surprised you take ordering for two college students seriously.